How to Hide Group Posts From Your Facebook News Feed

Hello Buddy's,

Many of you joined Lots of groups in Facebook like loot groups,Fun groups etc.

But There were certain people in 'GROUPS' were constantly posting rubbish & Worthless posts that kept popping up on your newsfeed.

Like Below ImageI know you are very disgusted with above type ofGroup posts.You may tried to get rid of this by changing the notifications in the groups to 'OFF' but they still appeared in your news feed. In 'PAGES' its easy. You can either 'Unfollow' the page but still 'Like' it by going to the 'Page' directly. Or when a post from a 'Page' comes up in your newsfeed, click on the box at the top right of the post and click 'Hide all posts' from that page'

But Most of Facebook users still don't know how To hide posts from 'GROUPS' in your NewsFeed.

Here is a simple Solution:-
• Find a post from the group in your news feed. click the grey arrow on the right top corner of the post.

• Click on Unfollow

• Don't worry about leaving a reason. This takes all posts from that group from your news feed and you still remain a member.

• You will still be a member of the group, but you won't get annoying posts from random people in the group popping up in your newsfeed.

How To Use Unfollow All Groups At Once?
• Make sure you have Facebook social toolkit installed on your chrome browser and you are logged into your Facebook account.
• Click on Facebook social toolkit icon to start Facebook social took it

• Select Unfollow all groups from drop down menu of removal tools section

• Now click on Unfollow all groups button to begin the process

• Allow Facebook social toolkit to it cerate over different group ids to unfollow all groups, time taken to finish the process depends on number of groups you have joined.

By This way You Can Hide All Posts from Group by Unfollowing it.

You Can See Posts from That group by Opening that group if you want to see all Posts from group that Unfollowed, then click on "Follow" Group.

That's all!!