How to Solve write- protected pendrive in Computer


This is a very serious problem. You are not able to write anything on your pen drive. Here is method to fix it. 

How to Solve write- protected pendrive ?

1. Go to start menu and open Run.


2. Now type regedit and press enter. 

3. A new window will appear. Just go to the following by navigating: 

4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControl StorageDevicePolicies


5. Check whether there is a key named “Storage Device Policies” to change the digit in the “DWORD value” box into "0" and press “OK”. But, if you cannot find the key named “Storage Device Policies”, you are supposed to create a one: right click “Control” to create a new key and name it as “Storage Device Policies”=> right click this new key to open “DWORD Value” and name it as “write protect”. 

6. On the right pane of the window, double-click the WriteProtect key and then set the value to 0 and then press the OK button. 


7. Close the registry window and then restart your computer and then reconnect your USB drive to your computer.I hope your problem is solved. 

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