How to Use Youtube Offline Video Feature in Android?


YouTube has recently added a new feature in the YouTube app in which you canwatch YouTube videos offlineor without an internet connection. Seems interesting, but you will still need an internet connection on your android to watch the videos in offline mode. Google promoting it under the tag line ‘Goodbye buffering, Hello YouTube Offline’, but remember you still need an internet connection and the default used connection is Wi-Fi. This feature is rolled out may be to avoid YouTube video downloads from third party apps.

Note:- Your android version should have YouTube 10.0+ on android and 2.16+ version on iOS.

How To Use YouTube Offline Videos Feature On Android?

• Open YouTube app, and play any video.

• Tap the ‘Offline button’, a vertical arrow on a horizontal bar.

• Watch the downloading process in notifications bar.

• Remember that at present only limited videos can be made offline.

• To watch your saved videos in app, tap the ‘Menu>Offline’.

Note:- Offline feature is by default set to work only with Wi-Fi but if you want to use your mobile data then head to app ‘Settings’, three dots on top right. And go to 'Offline > Add over Wi-Fi only’ & Uncheck it.


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