How To Pre Book JioPhone Online From MyJio App/

How To Pre Book JioPhone Online From MyJio App Guys hope you know all about jio phone which is launched my Jio limited on 21st July 2017 during the speech given by the CEO of Jio Mr Mukesh Ambani. Well, guys, this phone cost Rs 0, But you have to pay Rs 1500 as deposit money which you will get returned within 3 years if you want to return the phone. Well it means you will get this phone for free. We will try our best to make you know more about JioPhone Of Rs 0. So guys leave all this just follow few steps to Know The Booking Process Of JioPhone

Also Read :-

How To Pre Book JioPhone Online From MyJio App/

2) Now fill the Register Interest Form Of JioPhone
3) You can fill the form by giving your details like Name, E Mail Id, Phone Number
4) That;s it you have successfully booked for you jio phone
5) Once the sale will get start you will get the notification for first

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