mAadhaar App - Now Keep Your Aadhaar Details on Mobile

The UIDAI or Unique Identification Authority of India has launched a mobile application that enables Aadhaar holders to carry their Aadhaar card in a digital form. The UIDAI - the issuer of the 12-digit Aadhaar number or Unique Identity Number (UID) as well as Aadhaar card - has developed the mobile app - called mAadhaar - with an aim to provide an interface to Aadhaar number holders to carry their demographic information in smartphones. This information carried in digital form comprises name, date of birth, gender and address along with photograph as fed into the Aadhaar system, according to the UIDAI. mAadhaar can now be used as an identity proof to enter airports as well as for rail travel.

How to download mAadhaar ?

mAadhaar is currently available on Google's Android platform. Those having Android powered phones can download the mAadhaar app from Google Store.

Registered mobile number is essential to use app mAadhaar, according to the UIDAI. In case your mobile number is not registered with Aadhaar, visit the nearest Enrolment Centre/Mobile Update End Point, the Aadhaar issuing authority describes about the mobile app mAadhaar.

Here are five features of mAadhaar - The app that lets you carry Aadhaar card on your smartphone :-

1. Profile download:- Mobile app mAadhaar enables users to carry their Aadhaar number along with demographic details. That means that by using the app, the user becomes equipped to access his or her Aadhaar details anytime without having to access the original Aadhaar card in physical form.

2. Biometric locking/unlocking:- The Features is aimed at providing security of biometric authentication by locking biometrics data. Once the biometric locking system is enabled, the individual's biometric information remains locked till he or she chooses to either Unlock it (which is temporary) or Disable the system.

3. TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password or One-Time PIN):- This is an automatically generated temporary password that can be used instead of SMS-based OTP. TOTP authentication is an alternative to OTP or one-time PIN-based authentication, wherein the OTP - valid for a limited period of time - is sent by the Aadhaar system to registered mobile number, according to the UIDAI website. This OTP is usually valid for 30 minutes.

4. Profile Updation:- mAadhaar enables the user to view updated Aadhaar profile data after successful completion of an update request.

5. Sharing of QR code and e-KYC data by Aadhaar Number Holder:- The mobile app enables the user to share the QR code and password protected e-KYC (know your customer) data to retrieve accurate demographic information, according to the UIDAI.

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