HDFC OnChat a facebook messenger Bot offering Rs.50 Discount on Recharges/Bill Payments of Rs.100 or More.
Offer valid for all users.
How to avail Rs.50 Discount on Recharges HDFC OnChat?
1). First of all Download Facebook Messenger from play store or if you have already then just Click On This Link
Direct link
2). It will Redirect you to HDFC OnChat Chat Option.
3). Now Click on Get Started Button
4). Now it will ask your mobile number. Enter your mobile number.
5). Verify your Mobile Number by providing OTP.
6). You'll get Rs.50 Credits on Signup
7). Now Initiate a Recharge of Rs.100 or More
8). You'll get 50% Discount Upto Rs.50
9). It will deduct some amount from signup credits
10). Pay the remaining amount
11). That's all!