(Loot) Files Go by Google App – Earn upto 10 Tez Scratch Cards by Sharing Files Offline (30-100 each).
Note:- Scratch Card Value will be Mostly Rs 30 to 100 (Verified with some users, they got like 35, 45, 65, 80, 95 etc (Estimated). !!
How to Get upto 10 Scratch Card on Sharing Files Offline:-
1. First of all, Download Files Go by Google App Here
2. Install and open the Files Go by Google App.
Don’t have Tez App? Visit : Google Pay App – Get Rs 51 on Sign up + Rs 151 per Referral
3. Click on “Share” on bottom and You will see “Scratch card offer” Line.
4. Click on it and Allow permission and Login with Same Email which you are using in Google Pay (Tez) App.
5. Now Click on “Share” >> Send >> Click Allow and give permission >> Now Files Go finds your nearby devices (Make Sure the recipient must be signed in to Files Go)
6. You will receive the 1 Scratch card soon.
7. You can earn upto 9 Scratch cards by Sharing Files to 9 users (User should be New and doesn’t share files with anyone).
8. The offer period lasts until 4 November 2018, or while supplies last.
Additional Note:-
1. You may receive one reward for sharing files offline for the First time while signed in to your Google Account.
2. Both you and the recipient must be signed in to Files Go with Google Accounts.
3. You may receive up to nine additional rewards for sharing with users who full the following requirements:
4. They haven’t earned a reward for sharing through Files Go.
5. They’re eligible to earn rewards with Files Go and have opted in to the promotion (i.e. they can see the Earn Rewards card on the Share tab, and tapped Start.)
6. You can earn a maximum of 10 rewards during the offer period. The offer period lasts until 4 November 2018, or while supplies last.
You must complete a qualifying action to receive a reward. Complete a qualified action by following these steps:
- Share files offline: You may receive one reward for sharing files offline for the first time while signed in to your Google Account. Both you and the recipient must be signed in to Files Go with Google Accounts.
- Share files offline with eligible Files Go users: You may receive up to nine additional rewards for sharing files with users who fulfil the following requirements:
- They haven’t earned a reward for sharing files through Files Go.
- They’re eligible to earn rewards with Files Go and have opted in to the promotion (i.e. they can see the Earn Rewards card on the Share tab, and tapped Start.)
You can earn a maximum of 10 rewards during the offer period. The offer period lasts until 4 November 2018, or while supplies last.
Once you complete a qualifying action:
- Disconnect from the file sharing session. We’ll check your reward status.
- After the status is confirmed, we’ll notify you on the Files Go app that your reward is ready.