RailYatri gives you assured best prices & best deals across India on Bus Tickets
RailYatri MYFIRST offer. Now Use coupon code MYFIRST & Transact through PayPal India to Get Upto Rs. 500 off on your first train ticket booking with RailYatri. You'll get Flat Rs. 75 off from RailYatri + Additional 50% instant cashback upto Rs. 300 in your PayPal account.
How to avail RailYatri First Train Ticket Booking Offer?
1. Download RailYatri from here | RailYatri website
2. Open app & Login/ Sign up
3. Click on Train Tickets & Enter date, route and no. of seats & click on “Search Trains”.
4. Select your desired train as per schedule and fill in passenger information.
5.Book your tickets and proceed to checkout.
New Rail Yatri Users, Use Code – MYFIRST to get Rs 75 off on Min. Rs 300 Ticket.
6. Make the payment using your PayPal to get additional 50% Cashback
7. That’s it! Have a great journey!
8. You will receive your Cashback credited in your PayPal Account as a Coupon within 24 hours of the transaction
RailYatri MYFIRST Terms & Conditions :-
Use coupon code: MYFIRST & Transact through PayPal India.
Get Upto Rs. 375 off on your first train ticket booking with RailYatri
-Flat Rs. 75 Off from RailYatri + Additional 50% instant cashback upto Rs. 300 in your PayPal account.
Offer is valid for new PayPal user’s first ever transaction with PayPal and can be availed once per user
Under no circumstances will you be entitled to withdraw the eligible cashback amount into your bank account or otherwise ask for a cash withdrawal. The cashback amount will be applied as a discount for your eligible purchases. The amount cannot be credited into any pre-paid instrument issued under applicable RBI laws.
Validity till 30th November 2018
Minimum booking amount Rs. 300 is required to apply the code.
RailYatri has the sole discretion to discontinue the offers at any given time