PayZapp Loot - Earn Free Rs. 500 from PayZapp and Ola Money app.
You can even transfer this money to bank or paytm.
Note:- We are not responsible for any loss. Offer may withdraw by company at any time. So try at your own risk :)
How to Earn Free Rs. 500 from PayZapp?
1) Download PayZapp from here
2) Register and Do KYC using Your Pan Card
3) Load 3200₹ In PayZapp Wallet Debit Card [From 1 debit card max 2000₹ in 4 hrs So Load 1100₹ From another Debit Card]
After Loading 3200₹ Remove your debit Card details from PayZapp (Manage card option)
3) Install Ola Cab Application And Do Mini KYC
4) Load 2500₹ In Ola Money wallet Payment Mode PayZapp
Use Promocode : TAXI [for 250₹ Cashback]
5) Again Load In Ola money 250₹ from PayZapp
Use Promocode : PAYZAPP [for 100₹ Cashback]
6) Load 100₹ In Ola money from PayZapp
Use Promocode : MISSYOU [for 25₹ Cashback]
7) Load again 100₹ In Ola money from PayZapp
Use Promocode : MISSYOU [for 25₹ Cashback]
8) Again Load In Ola money 250₹ From PayZapp
Use Promocode : FIRST [for 100₹ Cashback]
9) So Total loaded in Ola Cab applications
2500+250+100+100 +250 = ₹3200. Now transfer this money to bank from below trick.
Note:- We are not responsible for any loss. Offer may withdraw by company at any time. So try at your own risk :)
How to Transfer Ola Money to Bank?
1) Download PayUMoney Application and Create account
2) Make A bill worth 3100₹
3) Now Pay the bill from Ola money
4) After Successful Transactions You will get 3100₹ - 2% Bank Transfers charge within 48hrs In your Bank
5) PayZapp Cashback will be Credited In Your payzapp wallet within 7 Days.
Note:- We are not responsible for any loss. Offer may withdraw by company at any time. So try at your own risk :)