Mi Airit App - Rs.50 on Signup + Rs.10 Per Refer (Refer And Earn Rs.500 Flipkart Voucher Or Paytm Cash)


Mi Airit App Refer And Earn Rs.500 Flipkart Voucher Or Paytm Cash : Rs.50 Joining + Rs.10 Per Friends.

Refer Earn Flipkart Vouchers Or Paytm Cash From MI Airit Chat App-

2. Now Open app and Allow All Asked permissions.
3. Skip introduction part and move to Agree Terms and Sign Up Using your mobile number.
4. Verify your mobile number with OTP, Enter your name and email and Enter Given Promocode to Get 500 Points Sign Up Bonus. : LVAO8FMQD (Copy Paste)
Mi Airit Refer Code - LVAO8FMQD
5. Complete remaining steps and move to dashboard and move to MENU and you will see 500 Points worth Rs.50 in your account.
6. Move to Refer option and share your refer code with your friends and you will get 100 points equal to Rs.10 Per Refer.
7. Minimum Redeem is 10000 Points equal to Rs.500 Flipkart Voucher and 15000 Points For Rs.500 Paytm Cash.
8. You can share your refer code on social media with your friends and Earn as much as your friends on this app.

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